Z Series™ Configuration
The Z Series™ printer will have one of two different styled front pan-
els. The deluxe front panel contains an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display),
but the standard front panel does not. With the deluxe front panel, the
LCD displays the parameters during the configuration process. For
those printers with the standard front panel, two banks of eight minia-
ture switches located inside the printer’s front panel access door are
used when configuring the printer.
Communications Parameters
The Z Series™ printer is equipped with both serial data and parallel
data communication interfaces. This permits two sources to send label
formats to the printer.
The first source to send a “Start of Label Format” command controls
the printer. The printer will send a “printer busy” command to the
second source to inhibit data transmission.
The serial interface is factory preset to match the typical PC environ-
ment with RS232 communication:
9600 Baud, 8 Data Bits,
No Parity, Xon/Xoff Handshaking.
If you need to change your printer’s serial communications settings to
match those of your host computer, refer to Appendix A. If you do not
know the settings of your host computer, refer to the instruction manual
provided with the computer or your software application.
See Appendix B of this guide for specific data communication cable
The printer automatically senses if a parallel communications cable is
connected from your host computer.
Z Series™ User’s Guide 3
Printer Configuration
Thu Jun 18 15:51:22 1998
Color profile: Disabled
Composite Default screen