Printer Operation
Adjust and Calibrate Sensors
11342L Re v. 8 6/4/2004 105SL User Guide 37
7. Close the printhead, trapping the ribbon in this position.
8. Press the (+) key. The LCD shows “CALIBRATING PLEASE WAIT.”
9. When this part of the calibration process is completed, the LCD reads “RELOAD ALL
10. Open the printhead. Pull the liner until a label is positioned between the media sensors.
11. Return the ribbon to its proper position.
12. Close the p rinthea d. Press the (+) key to pe rform the ne xt part of the cal ibratio n sequen ce.
“MEDIA AND RIBBON CALIBRATE” displays. The printer is calibrated when the
media stops feeding.
13. Press SETUP/EXIT to leave Setup Mo de. Choose “pe rmanent” when SAVE CHANGES
14. Press NEXT/SAVE to save the changes.
The printer does a calibration equivalent to pressing
CALIBRATE; during this process,
the printer determines the label length. To see the new readings on the new scale, print a
sensor profile.