■ Release
Set the transition time from the point at which the
note on the keyboard is released to the point at
which the output level of the Part reaches zero. A
positive value will lengthen the transition time and a
negative value will shorten it.
This parameter is not available for Drum Voice Parts.
❏ Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63
TON Portamento (Tone Portamento)
You can set the following three Portamento parameters
for each Part.
Part 1 to 16
Plug-in Part
Multi Plug-in Part
■ Switch (Portamento switch)
Switch Portamento on or off. With Portamento
switched on, there will be a smooth transition in
pitch from the first note played to the next note.
❏ Settings: off, on
■ Time (Portamento Time)
Set the pitch transition time. Higher values mean
longer transition times.
❏ Settings: 0 ~ 127
■ Mode (Portamento Mode)
Select the Portamento Mode. The Portamento Mode
behavior varies according to the Part Mode (mono/poly)
setting in the LYR Mode screen (Page 117).
This parameter is not available for Plug-in and Multi
Plug-in Parts.
❏ Settings: fingered, fulltime
If Part Mode is set to “mono”:
Portamento is applied when the keyboard is played legato (a
note is played before the previous note is released).
Portamento is applied for all playing styles.
If Part Mode is set to “poly”:
Portamento is applied to multiple notes.
TONíPortamento) Switch Time
Part17 on 127
TONíPortamento) Switch Time Mode
Part01 on 127 fulltime
TON Other (Tone Other)
You can set Pitch Bend Range and Velocity Sensitivity
parameters for each Part.
Part 1 to 16
Plug-in Part
Multi Plug-in Part
Drum Voice Part
■ Pitch Bend
Set the amount (in semitones) by which the Voice
pitch changes when the Pitch Bend Wheel is moved.
For example, a Lower setting of -12 means that the
pitch of the Voice drops by up to an octave when the
Pitch Bend Wheel is moved downwards. An Upper
setting of +12 means that the pitch of the Voice
rises by up to an octave when the Pitch Bend Wheel
is moved upwards.
The Lower parameter is only available for Normal
Voice Parts (Parts 1 to 16).
❏ Settings:
Lower (Left):
-48 ~ 0 ~ +24
Upper (Right):
-48 ~ 0 ~ +24 (or –24 ~ 0 ~ +24 for Plug-in and Multi
Plug-in Parts)
■ VelDepth-Offset (Velocity Sensitivity Depth/Offset)
Set the velocity sensitivity and velocity offset for
each Part.
❏ Settings:
VelDepth (Velocity Sensitivity): 0 ~ 127
offset (Velocity Offset): 0 ~ 127
VelDepth (Velocity Sensitivity Depth)
As illustrated below, a large setting will cause large changes
in velocity when you play the keyboard.
Changes to velocity curve according to VelDepth
(with offset set to 64)
Received Velocity
Velocity at
tone generator
TONíOther) Pitch Bend VelDepth-Offset
PartPL +12 127 64
TONíOther) Pitch Bend VelDepth-Offset
Part01 -12 -- +12 127 64