Address Size Data Prameter Name Description Default Value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
02 01 40 2 00..7F Variation Type MSB Refer to the Ef. Type List 05(=DELAY L,C,R)
00..7F Variation Type LSB 00 : basic type 00
42 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 1 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 1 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
44 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 2 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 2 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
46 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 3 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 3 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
48 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 4 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 4 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
4A 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 5 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 5 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
4C 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 6 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 6 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
4E 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 7 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 7 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
50 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 8 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 8 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
52 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 9 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 9 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
54 2 00..7F Vari. Param. 10 MSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
00..7F Vari. Param. 10 LSB Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Vari. Type
56 1 00..7F Variation Return -∞..0..+6dB(0..64..127) 40
57 1 01..7F Variation Pan L63..C..R63(1..64..127) 40
58 1 00..7F Send Vari. To Reverb -∞..0..+6dB(0..64..127) 00
59 1 00..7F Send Vari. To Chorus -∞..0..+6dB(0..64..127) 00
5A 1 00..01 Variation Connection 0:insertion,1:system 00
5B 1 00..7F Variation Part part1..16(0..15),AD1(64),off(16..63,65..127) 7F
5C 1 00..7F MW Vari. Ctrl Depth -64..+63 40
5D 1 00..7F PB Vari. Ctrl Depth -64..+63 40
5E 1 00..7F CAT Vari. Ctrl Depth -64..+63 40
5F 1 00..7F Not Used
60 1 00..7F Not Used
02 01 70 1 00..7F Variation Parameter 11 option Parameter Depend on Variation Type
71 1 00..7F Variation Parameter 12 option Parameter Depend on Variation Type
72 1 00..7F Variation Parameter 13 option Parameter Depend on Variation Type
73 1 00..7F Variation Parameter 14 option Parameter Depend on Variation Type
74 1 00..7F Variation Parameter 15 option Parameter Depend on Variation Type
75 1 00..7F Variation Parameter 16 option Parameter Depend on Variation Type
< Table 1-5 > MIDI Parameter Change table (MULTI EQ)(PSR-740 ONLY)
Address Size Data Prameter Name Description Default Value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
02 40 00 1 34..4C EQ Type 0:FLAT 00
01 1 34..4C EQ Gain1 -12..+12[dB] 40
02 1 04..28 EQ Frequency1 32..2000[Hz] 0C
03 1 01..78 EQ Q1 0.1..12.0 07
04 1 00..01 EQ Shape1 00:Shelving,01:Peaking 00
05 1 34..4C EQ Gain2 -12..+12[dB] 40
06 1 0E..36 EQ Frequency2 0.1..10[KHz] 1C
07 1 01..78 EQ Q2 0.1..12.0 07
08 1 Not Used
09 1 34..4C EQ Gain3 -12..+12[dB] 40
0A 1 0E..36 EQ Frequency3 0.1..10[KHz] 22
0B 1 01..78 EQ Q3 0.1..12.0 07
0C 1 Not Used
0D 1 34..4C EQ Gain4 -12..+12[dB] 40
0E 1 0E..36 EQ Frequency4 0.1..10[KHz] 2E
0F 1 01..78 EQ Q4 0.1..12.0 07
10 1 Not Used
11 1 34..4C EQ Gain5 -12..+12[dB] 40
12 1 1C..3A EQ Frequency5 0.5..16.0[KHz] 34
13 1 01..78 EQ Q5 0.1..12.0 07
14 1 00..01 EQ Shape5 00:Shelving,01:Peaking 00
< Table 1-6 > MIDI Parameter change table (Effect2)(PSR-740 ONLY)
Address Size Data Prameter Name Description Default Value
(H) (H) (H) (H)
03 0n 00 2 00..7F Insertion Type MSB Refer to the Ef. Type List “49(=DISTORTION)”
00..7F Insertion Type LSB 00 : basic type 00
02 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter1 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
03 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter2 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
04 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter3 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
05 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter4 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
06 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter5 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
07 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter6 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
08 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter7 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
09 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter8 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
0A 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter9 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
0B 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter10 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion Type
0C 1 00..7F Insertion Part Part1..16,OFF 7F
0D 1 00..7F MW INS CTRL DPT 40
0E 1 00..7F BEND INS CTRL DPT 40
0F 1 00..7F CAT INS CTRL DPT 40
10 1 00..7F Not Used
11 1 00..7F Not Used
03 0n 20 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter11 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion 1 Type
21 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter12 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion 1 Type
22 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter13 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion 1 Type
23 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter14 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion 1 Type
24 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter15 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion 1 Type
25 1 00..7F Insertion Parameter16 Refer to the Ef. Parameter List Depend on Insertion 1 Type
MIDI Data Format/MIDI-Datenformat/Format de données MIDI/Formato de datos MIDI