| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Note# Note 1: Standard (0) 2: Room (8) 3: Rock (16) 4: Electronic (24)
36 C1 Click (Square wave) <—— <—— <——
37 C#1 Brush Tap <—— <—— <——
38 D1 Brush Swirl <—— <—— <——
39 D#1 Brush Slap <—— <—— <——
40 E1 Brush Swirl W/Attack <—— <—— Reverse Cymbal
41 F1 Snare Roll <—— <—— <——
42 F#1 Castanet <—— <—— Hi-Q
43 G1 Snare H Soft Snare Room L Snare Rock L Snare Gate L
44 G#1 Sticks <—— <—— <——
45 A1 Bass Drum H Soft Bass Drum Room L Bass Drum Rock L Bass Drum Gate L
46 A#1 Open Rim Shot <—— <—— <——
47 B1 Bass Drum L Bass Drum Room M Bass Drum Rock M Bass Drum Gate M
48 C2 Bass Drum H Hard Bass Drum Room H Bass Drum Rock H Bass Drum Gate H
49 C#2 Closed Rim Shot <—— <—— <——
50 D2 Snare L Snare Room M Snare Rock M Snare Gate M
51 D#2 Hand Clap <—— <—— <——
52 E2 Snare H Hard Snare Room H Snare Rock H Snare Gate H
53 F2 Floor Tom L Room Tom 1 Rock Tom 1 Electronic Tom 1
54 F#2 Hi-Hat Closed <—— <—— <——
55 G2 Floor Tom H Room Tom 2 Rock Tom 2 Electronic Tom 2
56 G#2 Hi-Hat Pedal <—— <—— <——
57 A2 Low Tom Room Tom 3 Rock Tom 3 Electronic Tom 3
58 A#2 Hi-Hat Open <—— <—— <——
59 B2 Mid Tom L Room Tom 4 Rock Tom 4 Electronic Tom 4
60 C3 Mid Tom H Room Tom 5 Rock Tom 5 Electronic Tom 5
61 C#3 Crash Cymbal 1 <—— <—— <——
62 D3 High Tom Room Tom 6 Rock Tom 6 Electronic Tom 6
63 D#3 Ride Cymbal 1 <—— <—— <——
64 E3 Chinese Cymbal <—— <—— <——
65 F3 Ride Cymbal Cup <—— <—— <——
66 F#3 Tambourine <—— <—— <——
67 G3 Splash Cymbal <—— <—— <——
68 G#3 Cowbell <—— <—— <——
69 A3 Crash Cymbal 2 <—— <—— <——
70 A#3 Vibraslap <—— <—— <——
71 B3 Ride Cymbal 2 <—— <—— <——
72 C4 Bongo H <—— <—— <——
73 C#4 Bongo L <—— <—— <——
74 D4 Conga H Mute <—— <—— <——
75 D#4 Conga H Open <—— <—— <——
76 E4 Conga L <—— <—— <——
77 F4 Timbale H <—— <—— <——
78 F#4 Timbale L <—— <—— <——
79 G4 Agogo H <—— <—— <——
80 G#4 Agogo L <—— <—— <——
81 A4 Cabasa <—— <—— <——
82 A#4 Maracas <—— <—— <——
83 B4 Samba Whistle H <—— <—— <——
84 C5 Samba Whistle L <—— <—— <——
85 C#5 Guiro Short <—— <—— <——
86 D5 Guiro Long <—— <—— <——
87 D#5 Claves <—— <—— <——
88 E5 Wood Block H <—— <—— <——
89 F5 Wood Block L <—— <—— <——
90 F#5 Cuica Mute <—— <—— Scratch H
91 G5 Cuica Open <—— <—— Scratch L
92 G#5 Triangle Mute <—— <—— <——
93 A5 Triangle Open <—— <—— <——
94 A#5 Shaker <—— <—— <——
95 B5 Jingle Bell <—— <—— <——
96 C6 Bell Tree <—— <—— <——
97 C#6 Voice ‘One’ <—— <—— <——
98 D6 Voice ‘Two’ <—— <—— <——
99 D#6 Voice ‘Three’ <—— <—— <——
100 E6 Voice ‘Four’ <—— <—— <——
101 F6 Voice ‘Are You Sure?’ <—— <—— <——
Percussion Kit List / Verzeichnis der Schlagzeug- und Percussion-Sets /
* “<——” indicates the content is the same as that of Standard Kit.
* Only 1 note can be played at a time when Keyboard Percussion is engaged.
* The number in parentheses () after the percussion kit name is the MIDI program
* The corresponding MIDI note numbers for the notes listed in the chart below are
actually one octave lower. For example, the MIDI note number for note #36 (C1)
in the chart is note #24 (C0).
* “<——” zeigt an, daß der Inhalt identisch mit dem Standardset ist.
* Bei aktivierter Keyboard Percussion-Funktion kann zu einem Zeitpunkt jeweils
nur eine Note gespielt werden.
* Bei der neben dem Namen des Percussion-Sets in Klammern ( ) gesetzten
Nummer handelt es sich um die Programmnummer.
* Die entsprechenden MIDI-Notennummern für die in der unteren Tabelle
aufgeführten Noten liegen tatsächlich eine Oktave tiefer. So ist beispielsweise
die MIDI-Notennummer von Note #36 (C1) in der Tabelle die Note #24 (C0).