MIDI Functions
MIDI Functions
Reference 177
Root Settings
The note on/off messages received at the channel(s) set to “ON” are recognized as the
root notes in the accompaniment section. The root notes will be detected regardless of
the accompaniment on/off and split point settings on the 9000Pro panel.
The explanations here apply to step #5 of the Basic Procedure on page 174.
Chord Detect Settings
The note on/off messages received at the channel(s) set to “ON” are recognized as the
fingerings in the accompaniment section. The chords to be detected depend on the fin-
gering mode on the 9000Pro. The chords will be detected regardless of the accompani-
ment on/off and split point settings on the 9000Pro panel.
The explanations here apply to step #5 of the Basic Procedure on page 174.
Storing the MIDI Settings
This allows you to store your custom MIDI settings to Flash ROM.
The explanations here apply to step #6 of the Basic Procedure on page 174.
Set the desired track
to ON or OFF.
Press this to set all
channels to OFF.
Select channel groups
1 through 8, 9 through
16, 17 through 24, and
25 through 32, respec-
• Channels 1 - 16 are handled
with the MIDI A terminals or
the TO HOST terminal; chan-
nels 1 - 16 of a second MIDI
port or device are handled as
channels 17 - 32 with the MIDI
B terminals.
Set the desired
track to ON or OFF.
Press this to set all
channels to OFF.
Select channel groups
1 through 8, 9 through
16, 17 through 24, and
25 through 32, respec-
• Channels 1 - 16 are handled
with the MIDI A terminals or
the TO HOST terminal; chan-
nels 1 - 16 of a second MIDI
port or device are handled as
channels 17 - 32 with the MIDI
B terminals.
This allows you to assign a
name to your group of
MIDI settings. (For details
on entering a name, refer
to “Basic Operation” on
page 46.)
Press this to execute the
Store operation.
Select the destination.
• Since all MIDI settings data is
stored to Flash ROM, any data
in the MIDI settings location
will be erased and replaced by
your new settings. This
includes the factory pro-
grammed preset MIDI set-
tings. If you’ve deleted the
factory-set data, you can use
the Restore function (page
154) to load a copy of it from
the included disks (page 6).
• When several channels are
simultaneously set to “ON,” the
root note is detected from
merged MIDI data received
over the channels.
• When several channels are
simultaneously set to “ON,” the
chord is detected from merged
MIDI data received over the