Perform With It
Bring it with you to a gig — as long as there’s a MIDI keyboard
on stage, you can use the high-quality sounds of MU5 in your
Since it’s portable and compatible with General MIDI, the MU5
is a natural for multimedia applications. Bring it with you to a
presentation — since the computer interface is built-in to the
MU5, it hooks up instantly and easily to the computer’s serial
port or printer port, without the need for any other equipment.
About the Modes of the MU5
The MU5 has three operating modes: Play, Utility and Part Edit.
(Utility and Part Edit are the two edit-related modes of the MU5.)
Play Mode
This is the normal mode of the MU5, the one in which you
normally play and select the internal Voices (either from the
built-in keyboard or a connected MIDI device), select Parts, and
use the Mute and Solo functions.
Utility Mode
The Utility mode lets you set functions related to the overall
operation of the MU5, such as Master Tune, Transpose and
Velocity settings. Included also are utility operations, such as
sending bulk data to a data storage device, and initializing of the
MU5 settings.
Part Edit Mode
The Part Edit mode allows you to change certain settings for each
individual Part, such as the Volume, Pan and individual tuning
settings for each Part. The internal Voices can be sounded during
editing, allowing you to hear the effects of your edits.
The MU5 — What It Is and What It Can Do