MOTIF Appendix
Display Messages
Plug-in 1 type mismatch.
The User Voice created by using the Plug-in board previously installed to slot 1 (but now removed from slot 1) has been
Plug-in 2 type mismatch.
The User Voice created by using the Plug-in board previously installed to slot 2 (but now removed from slot 2) has been
Plug-in 3 type mismatch.
The User Voice created by using the Plug-in board previously installed to slot 3 (but now removed from slot 3) has been
PLG100 not supported. The Plug-in All Bulk Save function does not apply to the PLG100 series boards.
mLAN network error.
Indicates a problem in the mLAN8E network. Check the on/off status of the LED lamps on the mLAN8E and refer to the
Owner's Manual of the mLAN8E.
mLAN connection error.
Indicates a problem in the mLAN8E connection. Check the on/off status of the LED lamps on the mLAN8E and refer to
the Owner's Manual of the mLAN8E.
mLAN now in Mixer mode. The mLAN8E board is set to the Mixer mode by your computer, and the MOTIF cannot control the mLAN8E.
mLAN error (xxx). Indicates an unspecified problem related to the mLAN8E.
Copy protected. You have attempted to export or save a copy-protected digital audio source.
Digital in unlocked. Digital input signal of the AIEB2 is unlocked.
Too many favorites You've attempted to assign more than 256 voices to the Favorite category.
Executing... A format operation or job is being executed. Please wait.
Now working... Indicates that the MOTIF is currently engaged in some operation, such as writing to/reading from the disk, etc.
Now loading... (xxxx) Indicates that a file is being loaded.
Now saving... (xxxx) Indicates that a file is being saved.
Now checking plug-in board. The MOTIF is checking the Plug-in board installation status when powering the MOTIF on.
Recording stopped. The Song/Pattern (phrase) recording is automatically stopped because the memory becomes full.
Receiving sample... The MOTIF is receiving sample data from Wave Editor.
Transmitting sample... The MOTIF is transmitting sample data to Wave Editor.
MIDI bulk receiving... The MOTIF is receiving MIDI bulk data.
MIDI bulk transmitting... The MOTIF is transmitting MIDI bulk data.
Completed. The specified load, save, format, or other job has been completed.
Becomes valid after power on. The newly entered SCSI ID number will take effect only by turning the power of the MOTIF off and on again.
Scene stored A Song scene has been stored.
Mixing stored In the Song/Pattern mode, the Mixing settings have been automatically stored.
Are you sure ? [YES]/[NO] Confirms whether you want to execute a specified operation or not. Press [INC/YES] or [DEC/NO] as required.
Overwrite? [YES]/[NO]
A save operation will overwrite data on the Memory card or SCSI disk, and this message confirms whether it is OK to
continue or not. Press [INC/YES] or [DEC/NO] as required.
Can't undo. OK? [YES]/[NO]
When some jobs of the Song/Pattern are executed, the internal memory becomes full and undo cannot be used. Press
[INC/YES] if this is OK, or [DEC/NO] to abort the operation. Try again after erasing unwanted songs, patterns, or user
Messages Information