MCX-2000 Owner’s Manual
Updating Client Firmware
To fully enjoy music streaming over a MusicCAST network, you must first update all of your MusicCAST clients to match
up to the latest features the MCX-2000 delivers. Update each client firmware in the following procedure. (You don’t need
to operate the MCX-2000.)
n If you already updated the client firmware using Easy Setup, this process isn’t necessary.
1 Select Top Menu > Setup > System > System Update.
2 With the above screen shown, press the front panel Play button.
Your client receives the latest firmware from the MCX-2000, and then updates the content in its flash memory. During the
update process, the client display shows several messages. When the “Update OK” message is finally shown, your client
restarts itself.
3 When the client establishes a network connection with the MCX-2000 and shows the Top Menu screen, the update
process is complete. If you’re using two or more clients, repeat the above procedure.
n We endeavor to keep our products better. When a future version of the MCX-2000 firmware is available, first update your MCX-2000 with the
specified procedure (page 103), and then update your client firmware with the above procedure.
Current firmware version and its creation date
Receiving the latest firmware