[F5]: DCF (Dynamic Control Filter)
Configures the parameters for the Dynamic Control
Filter. There are various kinds of filters that change the
timbre of the sound by passing only specific
frequencies through from the harmonic contents (other
frequencies are filtered out). A different filtration can
be applied to each element. The DCF filter effect can be
changed over time using the Filter Envelope Generator
(see FEG on page 96).
While the SCF filters are mainly used for basic voicing
without change (over time), the DCF filters are used to
change the harmonic content over time, from the initial
attack to the ending decay by using the FEG. This lets you
simulate various types of musical instruments and create
sounds with a change in timbre over time.
■ DCF1 Type (Filter 1 Type)
Selects the filter type. Available parameters will
differ depending on the selected filter type.
❏ Settings: LPF24A (Low Pass Filter 24A), LPF24D (Low
Pass Filter 24D), LPF18 (Low Pass Filter 18),
LPF12 (Low Pass Filter 12), LPF6 (Low Pass
Filter 6), HPF (High Pass Filter), BPF (Band Pass
Filter), BEF (Band Elimination Filter), thru
■ DCF2 Type (Filter 2 Type)
If a type of filter other than LPF24A, LPF24D,
LPF18, and Thru is selected, two DCF (DCF1/2)
filters can be used simultaneously. The DCF2 Type
parameters will be added to the screen. The two
DCF filters can be connected in series or parallel. For
more information, see the next section.
❏ Settings: LPF (Low Pass Filter), BPF (Band Pass Filter),
HPF (High Pass Filter), BEF (Band Elimination
Press [F5] and the following two types of parameter
screens alternately appear. If necessary, change the
screens when adjusting each parameter. For more
information, see the following section.
Frequency Characteristics Screen
All Parameters Screen
■ DCF1/2 Freq (F1/2Frequency)
Sets the cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency set
here will be effective for the signal which passes
through the DCF 1/2 filters.
❏ Settings: 0~255
■ DCF1/2 Gain
Sets the amount of signal level for the DCF1/2
❏ Settings: 0~255
If a filter type other than LPF24A, LPF24D and LPF18
is selected, and the Connect setting (below) is set to seri
(serial), hyphens (---) will be displayed in DCF1 Gain.
In this case, the gain of the signals passed through
DCF1 and DCF2 is adjusted by the DCF2 Gain.
■ Reso (Resonance)
Determines the amount of resonance or emphasis
around the cutoff frequency, and adds a pronounced
effect to the sound. The setting made here is equally
applied to both DCF1 and DCF2 filters.
❏ Settings: 0~31
■ Reso. Vel (Resonance Velocity)
Sets the velocity sensitivity for the value designated
in the Reso parameter. When Reso Vel is set to a
positive value, the harder a note is played on the
keyboard, the greater the resonance becomes, and a
greater change occurs in the timbre of the sound.
Negative values will have the opposite effect. The
setting made here is equally applied to both DCF1
and DCF2 filters.
❏ Settings: –7~+7
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 91