400 B/W Reflection Densitometer
1. If this is your first time selecting a measurement function and
mode, you should plug your instrument in using its AC adapter.
This will prevent the microprocessor from going into “sleep”
mode to save battery power. With the instrument plugged in,
you’ll be free to take your time learning this procedure.
2. Next, make sure you have the desired response setting selected,
and that the instrument is properly calibrated. These procedures
are covered in the previous chapter, “Calibration.”
3. To select the measurement method for measuring ink density,
press the FUNCTION button repeatedly until DEN appears in
the display. If the density minus reference measurement is
necessary, press ZERO to turn Reference on. DEN-R appears
on the screen.
You are now ready to begin taking measurements to check density
values on your press sheet gray scale. The type of measurement data
that will be displayed will depend on the way you set up your
instrument earlier in this chapter. However, for all functions, modes,
and methods, the measurement technique is the same. Simply:
1. Center target window over area to be measured.
2. Lower unit to target window and hold closed.
3. Once measurement data is displayed, release the unit.
4. Measurement data will appear either as a normal density value
(absolute or minus reference) or difference value.