
6. Update Firmware from Console
The switch also supports firmware update from console port. The operation is performed over 1K Xmodem
Cases to update firmware from console:
1. Power on the switch and press any key from console within 5 seconds. The switch enters 1K Xmodem
receiver mode.
2. The switch enters 1K Xmodem receiver mode automatically when it detects firmware checksum error
while booting.
Setup 1K Xmodem on Hyper Terminal
1. Press [Disconnect] to stop Hyper Terminal.
2. 1K Xmodem only works on 57600 baudrate. Enter File -> Property to set COM port for baudrate
57600, 8 data bit, None parity, 1 stop bit, No flow control.
3. Press [Connect] to reconnect to the switch.
4. Enter Transfer -> Send File command.
5. Specify the file name of the firmware image file.
6. Specify 1K Xmodem protocol.
7. Click [Send] button to start file transfer.
When finishing downloading image, the switch will update firmware automatically and reboot. Change
COM port baudrate back to to 9600bps.