28 Xanbus Automatic Generator Start (AGS) Owner’s Guide
Xanbus Automatic Generator Start Installation
Type 14
Type 14 works with two-wire generators that use an integrated engine
control module to perform the necessary relay cycles to start and stop the
generator. This is similar to Type 8 but without the B+ signal requirement.
The AGS closes relay 1 to start the generator and illuminates the Generator
On light to indicate the relay is closed. To stop the generator, relay 1 is
opened and the Generator On light turned off.
Once the generator is stopped, there is a 10-minute delay before the
generator can be re-started using the AGS. This is to allow the generator’s
integrated engine controller to completely and safely shut down the
generator. This delay can be adjusted by changing the Gen Spin down
Since Type 14 does not monitor the generator run status,
illumination of the Generator On light on the AGS does not necessarily
indicate the generator is actually running. If this generator type is used,
ensure the generator’s integrated controller has the ability to monitor,
control and report generator status and faults. With Type 14, no faults are
raised if the generator fails to start or stop or is externally started or
Figure 22
Type 14 Connection Diagram (two-wire)
Relay Function Preset Configuration Setting
Relay 1 mode RunStop
Relay 3 mode Not used
Gen Run signal hold time 0 s
Preheat time 0 s
Preheat to crank delay 0 s
Crank time 0 s
Crank retry time 0 s
Gen Cool Down 30 s
Gen Spin Down 600 s
Shutdown bypass time 0 s
Start tries 1
AGS Harness Wires Generator Wires
Relay 1
5A fuse
For additional information, see “Circuit Limitations” on page 11.