InfoTrace is a control and management system, from Wybron Inc., that
incorporates both hardware and software to remotely manage a device (RDM)
within a lighting installation. An illustration of the InfoTrace Control &
Management System is presented below:
Figure 1
The diagram above outlines the key components, which include:
InfoTrace – The entire system is referred to as the InfoTrace System
InfoGate – The software and hardware required to facilitate the transfer and
display of information
InfoChip – A conversion chip that can be used with non-RDM equipment to allow
communication with the InfoGate Software
InfoStore – An Internet base`d application that aggregates data captured by
InfoGate and allows for the accumulation of historical information related to the
equipment performance in the installation
IT Products – Coloram IT, CXI IT, Eclipse IT, and Eclipse II IT all have updated
electronics to support RDM communication plus additional product
improvements, including sensors to detect a variety of conditions.
The heart of the InfoTrace (IT) system is InfoGate — specialized software that
uses the bi-directional communications protocol, Remote Device Management
(RDM), to facilitate
remote addressing and diagnostics for potentially every piece of equipment
mounted on a rig. InfoGate works with all Wybron manufactured IT products and
all RDM-compatible equipment from any other manufacturer.
In addition, any non-RDM equipment can be upgraded with the installation of an