While Robopet
is wandering around autonomously he will perform tricks.
You can encourage and discourage the tricks that he performs using the
buttons on the controller.
1) Good Pet : If you want him to perform a trick more often, press
the Good Pet button within 4 seconds of the trick being performed.
will respond with a pleased action. You can press the
button again within 4 seconds to really encourage Robopet
perform the trick.
2) Bad Pet : If you do not want Robopet
to perform a trick so often,
then press the Bad Pet button within 4 seconds of the trick being
performed. Robopet
will respond with a nervous action. You can
press the button again within 4 seconds to really discourage the
trick. If you press it three times, Robopet
will get annoyed!
3) It is possible to over-train Robopet
. If you praise him too many times
he will get a bit spoilt, make a lot of noise and perform the Good Pet
animations very often. If you tell him off too many times he will get
very nervous, shake a lot and not perform any tricks until you praise
him again.
• If you encourage only one trick, do not be surprised if Robopet
performs it nearly all the time, he is just trying to please!
• In autonomous mode, Robopet
will perform some tricks that are
not available from the controller. All these tricks can be trained.
• You cannot train a trick by selecting it from the controller and then
pressing Bad Pet or Good Pet.
• Robopet
will not remember his training if you switch off the power with
the power switch, or change the batteries. Put Robopet
into Sleep Mode
if you want him to remember his training until the next time you play with
Advanced Operation