14 Installation
MAN0715 (rev. 10/31/2008)
Connect Hydraulic Hoses
■ Failure to connect hoses together will result
in damage to tractor hydraulic system.
Tractor & Woods Loader: Connect male quick cou-
pler on end of hose from loader control valve to
female quick coupler in rear hydraulic valve when
backhoe is removed from tractor. See Figure 18.
Make sure 3-point lift arms do not interfere with hose.
Adjust hose as necessary to prevent interference.
Tractor & New Holland Loader: Connect male quick
coupler on end of hose from loader control valve to
female quick coupler in the hydraulic hard line below
the tractor seat when backhoe is removed from trac-
tor. See Figure 19
BACKHOE: Connect IN and OUT quick couplers
together to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating
in quick couplers. See Figure 20.
Figure 18. Hose Connection - Backhoe Removed
Woods Loader
Figure 19. Hose Connection - Backhoe Removed
New Holland Loader
Figure 20. Backhoe Hose Connection
Attach 3-Point Arms
Lower 3-point lift arms and anti-sway links can be
used on tractor when backhoe is removed.
Attach 3-point lift arms anti-sway links using the nor-
mal tractor connection.
Secure anti-sway links to tractor using sway link pins
and safety pins (22) provided in kit.
22. 15036 Safety pin, 3/16