User Manual WMF presto
Level Accounting
On entering valid PIN access to:
Set milk foam quality
Timer program
Customer Care
= Settings
(Beverage, General, Other)
Assign PIN Rights, Access Control
Accounting unit statistics
A PIN may be assigned to any level. The levels are
Example: The PIN for the Setting level is valid
for Cleaning and Setting Levels, but not for
the Accounting level
Touch the pad in the Main Menu.
Select desired level
Example: Cleaning .
Numerical keyboard display appears.
Enter desired 4-figure number
Number entered is displayed.
Confirm with
This level is now PIN-protected.
When a PIN is assigned to a subordinate level that PIN is
automatically assumed for superior levels if the latter are
not already PIN-protected.
Delete PIN
Entering 0000 will delete access control for the given
The delete of one level automatically deletes the
subordinate levels.
Enter PIN: 1234 for Cleaning
This PIN is assumed
for superior levels.
PIN entered fore
Cleaning level: 1234
Setting level: 9876
Accounting level: 7777
PIN Assignment Display
= More
= Less
= Leave without change
= Save values
Accounting Level Access