Using your DISH Network Receiver for Multidish Operation
To set your receiver to automatically switch from satellite 119 to
satellite 110 in stationary mode, use the following instructions:
In stationary position, be sure you have a clear view of satellites
119 and 110.
Go to “Point Dish/Signal” screen and select the 119 satellite.
Turn on the RoadTrip antenna to begin search for the
desired satellite.
Wait for RoadTrip to search and acquire satellite 119, end the conical
search and enter “Sleep” mode (this will take approximately 6
minutes after 119 is found).
Using the arrow buttons on your remote, highlight the “Check Switch”
box. Select “Check Switch”, then select “Test”.
The “Check Switch” will take a few minutes to complete. When complete,
Installation Summary screen should show an Installed Switch of SW42
and should display information for 119 and 110, including odd and even
transponders. See Fig B.1.2.
Fig B.1.2
If the screen does not show the correct switch, repeat procedure until
it is correct. After the SW42 switch is installed, you do not need to
repeat this procedure unless the “Check Switch” is changed to a
switch other than SW42.
You may receive an Error Message when the dish is
automatically moving between satellites as you change
channels. If you are prompted to run “Check Switch”, ignore
this message if the switch is already set up to SW42 with 119
and 110 odd and even transponder information.
DISH Network Installation Summary Screen
Rev. 9/30/05
Make sure all options
are unchecked on checkswitch
screen. (i.e “Superdish” should
not be checked).