logo

_J
_L,
en
using
an
electrical
appliance,
basic
safety
precautiona
shou
d
always
be
followed,
including
‘OiiOWifl.
Id
all
nstructions
before
using
this
sewing
machine:
To
reduce
the
risk
of
electric
shock:’
his
sewing
machine
should
never
be
left
snattenoed
when
plugged
ri.
Always
unplug
this
ewing
machine
from
trw
electric
outlet
immedstely
after
using
and
before
cieanirig
,lways
unp
og
before
reo
acing
ght
bulb.
Replace
buib
with
same
type
rated
watts
I4
—To
reouce
the
risk
of
burns
ftc.
electr
c
shock
or
irrlurv
to
persons’
Do
not
al
ow
to
be
used
as
a
toy,
Close
attention
is
necessary
wnen
th
a
sewing
machine
is
.sed
by
or
near
chilorer,.’
Joe
this
seneng
machine
oniy
for
its
ntended
use
an
descr
bed
in
this
manual
Use
orvy
tttacftments
recommended
by
the
manufacturer
as
contained
in
trim
manua.’
Ofever
operate
this
sew
ng
machine
fit
has
a
damaged
cord
or
piug,
it
it
is
not
working
roperly.
if
it
has
been
dropped
or
damaged,
or
dropped
into
water.
Return
the
sewing
riachine
to
the
nearest
authorized
dealer
or
service
center
for
esamirration.
repair
elect
ricai
or
nechanicai
adjustment”
ttever
Operate
the
new
ng
macnine
wit’i
any
air
openings
bloceed
Keep
ven’,iatiOn
openings
if
the
sewing
machine
and
foot
control
free
from
the
accumulation
of
lint,
dust,
and
loose
‘10th.
‘feeer
drop
or
insert
any
oblect
into
any
opening.
Jo
not
use
outdoors
Jo
not
operate
where
serono
.sprayl
products
are
be’ng
used
or
where
oxygen
is
being
ibminiotered.”
o
disconnecf.
turn
switch
to
the
off
(“0
)
position,
then
remove
plug
from
outlet.”
Jo
not
unplug
by
pulling
on
cord.
To
unplug,
grasp
the
plug,
not
the
cord.”
(eep
hngers
away
from
all
moe
ng
parts
Speciai
care
is
required
around
the
sewing
machine
ieedle.”
iways
use
the
proper
needle
plate.
The
wrong
plate
can
cause
the
needles
to
breac.”
Jo
not
use
bent
needles
)o
not
pull
or
push
fabric
while
nttching.
It
may
deflect
the
needle
cane
ng
it
to
break
lwitch
the
sewing
machine
off
i”0”I
when
making
any
adjustments
in
the
needle
area,
such
o
threading
needle,
changing
needle,
tnreao
ng
loopers
or
changing
presser
foot.
etc.’
ways
unplug
sewing
machine
from
the
electrical
outlet
when
removing
covers.
Lubricating.
when
making
any
other
user
servicing
adlustments
mentioned
in
the
instruction
manual
JnrJ
Moving
parts—To
reduce
risk
of
injury,
switch
off
before
servicing.
Close
cover
before
operating
machine.
“This
product
is
for
household
use,
or
equivalent,”
Cuanbo
se
usa
un
aoarato
electruco.
debe
seguirne
unas
prccaucioncs
basicas
y
poe
vienen
incividas
a
contrnuacieh.
Leer
ias
instrucc
ones
antes
cc
usar
Ia
maquina
dvi
cotter.
Pars
teducit
ci
riesgo
de
uris
descarga
electruca.
La
maquins
no
debe
deiarse
nunca
desatendida
mientras
eate
conectada
Desconectsr
lvi
maquina
he
Is
red
elcctncs
inmediatamenle
despues
de
su
use
y
antes
he
umpiarla.
2.
Desconecrar
Is
maouina
cc
ia
rec
sores
Ce
camoiar
is
oombills
Coiocar
ur’,a
bombilla
ad
mmmc
hoc
cot’
una
potencia
cc
r
Watios
Pars
rehvcir
el
riesgo
dv
quemaduras
fuego
descargas
electricas
a
csusar
danos
a
oersonas
No
ussr
Is
maouins
corno
un
luguete
Presrar
snencion
Si
h.iese
nccevario
cuando
is
maps
ha
esra
siendo
Jsaoa
par
nir’ros
cerca
On
ellen.
2.
Ussr
Is
maqumna
Ce
coser
solamente
come
Se
oenctibe
en
cure
marruvu.
Usar
vnicamente
los
accevoruos
recomenbados
pot
ci
fabricante
y
que
vienen
especif
csdos
en
cafe
manual.
2.
No
frabaisr
nurica
con
Is
macu
la
en
caso
de
cue
tengu
el
cable
a
el
enohufe
cii
malab
coroiciones.
vi
no
cone
correctannerrte
er
case
cc
que
se
hays
caio
haya
sioo
danada
Sc
trava
maiado
No
usar
Is
maqumna
con
los
orihcmas
be
vent
lacibn
b
oquesdos.
Mantener
on
onficios
be
ventilacion
he
Iv
rnsqumna
de
coser
ye
pedal
sin
acumulacion
he
p01cc.
sucierlab
y
resfos
de
tef’do
5.
No
introbucir
no
inserrur
cb)etos
en
los
orificios
de
ventilacuon
No
user
al
sire
imbre.
7.
No
ussr
rriienrras
se
esten
utilizsndo
proouctos
aerOsoies
spray)
a
en
lugares
donbe
he
este
administrando
ocigenc.
5.
Pars
desconectar
girar
ci
unferniptor
heats
Ia
posic
on
Off
(“0”).
luego
desconectar
c
enchufe
de
Is
red.
No
ocscor’ectar
el
enchufe
tiranco
dcl
cable
Pare
desconcctar,
tirar
Ce
is
devils.
no
del
cable.
0.
Martener
los
decos
alemados
be
todso
las
panes
nov
Plea
dciv
mdo,ina.
Tener
an
cumasds
especial
con
is
agua.
Ussr
niempre
is
place
de
agulas
apropiaba.
Una
placs
he
5itUl55
umoropia
puede
prcducir
Is
rotura
he
Is
agula.
12.
No
ussr
sgulas
oesourrradas
‘3.
No
presionsr
tirar
del
taco
mientras
hd
ems
005icrroo
Estc
podria
dobmar
Is
agua
y
rornperia
t4
Situar
ci
interrupter
principal
he
Ia
maquina
en
posicihn
Off
(
0”)
cuanbo
se
realice
algun
a
ustc
en
e
ares
he
Is
agua
come
enheorar
Is
sgula.
csmbiar
lv
agus,
hilsr
ancolas
cambiar
el
pie
prensatelas
y
similares
r5
Desconectar
siemore
is
maouins
belated
eiectrics
cusndo
Se
retiree
ias
tapes,
pare
lubricar
c
cusndc
be
malice
aigun
Otto
tipo
cc
afuste
mecanido
mencionado
en
ci
manual
oa
insfrucciones.
Esta
máquina
de
coser
es
para
usa
doméstico.