1. Place unstuffed roasting onto rack in the skillet. Baste with melted butter or margarine and season as desired. Using seasoned salt will
help to brown any poultry.
2. Insert meat thermometer tip into thick part of thigh making sure the tip does not touch a bone. Cover and roast at 225°. Reduce
temperature setting to SIMMER if spattering becomes excessive. A small amount of water (½ cup) may be added if desired. Baste
poultry occasionally with melted butter or margarine if desired.
3. Roast poultry to an internal temperature of 180° to 185°. Turn skillet OFF. Remove poultry from rack and allow to stand 10 minutes
for easier carving. Always use hot pads to remove rack. Juices may be used for gravy if desired.
Note: Roasting duckling and goose is not recommended due to the excess amount of grease that accumulates
HAM---Fresh, Smoked or Canned
1. Place ham on rack in skillet. Score if desired. Insert meat thermometer tip into thickest part of ham, making sure the tip does not touch
a bone or rest in fat. Cover and roast at 225°. Reduce temperature setting to SIMMER if spattering becomes excessive. A small
amount (½ cup) of water may be added if desired.
2. Roast ham to internal temperature recommended for type of ham being prepared. If desired, ham may be glazed at the end of the
roasting period. Turn skillet OFF. Remove ham from rack and allow to stand 10 minutes before carving. Use hot pads to remove rack
as it will be hot.
Note: If space permits, scrubbed and pricked potatoes may be baked on rack around meat or poultry. Medium sized potatoes will
require about 1 hour of baking time at 225°.
Meat Internal Temperature
Beef 140° rare
160° medium
170° well
Pork: Fresh 170°
Smoked 160° cook before eating
140° fully cooked
Canned 140°
Lamb 170° to 180°
Veal 170°
Poultry 180° to 185°
Your skillet may include a square metal wire rack for steaming. If a steaming rack is not included, a metal wire rack that fits into the bottom
of the skillet and is about ½ inch high can be used providing it has smooth support legs that will not scratch the non-stick interior.
Follow the guidelines for teaming foods in your skillet:
1. Place steaming rack into bottom of skillet and add 2 to 3 cups of water. Place food to be steamed directly on rack, in a single layer, to
ensure even cooking. Cover skillet.
2. Steam food at 225° until desired or recommended doneness is obtained. See Steam Guide. If food is steamed more than 20 minutes
more water may need to be added to prevent skillet from boiling dry. ALWAYS REMOVE COVER CAREFULLY DUE TO
ESCAPING STEAM. After steaming, turn skillet OFF and unplug cord from electrical outlet. Remove food from rack and allow
skillet to cool before cleaning.
Food Time Special Tips
Chicken Breasts- 1 pound 15-20 minutes Cook thoroughly
Fist Steaks- 2 to 3 10-15 minutes Defrost if frozen. Steam until fish flakes
Fish Filets- 2 to 3 8-10 minutes Defrost if frozen. Steam until fish flakes
Hot Dogs 8-10 8-10 minutes Heat thoroughly
Lobster Tails- 2 medium 10-12 minutes Defrost if frozen
Shrimp 5-8 minutes Peel and de-vein before steaming
Artichoke 25-30 minutes Leave whole, trimming points off leaves.
Asparagus- 1 pound 10-12 minutes Trim ends
Broccoli- 1 pound spears 12-15 minutes Trim ends
Cauliflower- 1 large head 12-15 minutes Remove core
Corn-on-the-cob- 4 ears 10-12 minutes Remove husk and silk