Maintenance and Troubleshooting
56 800032-01 Rev. G www.wegener.com
No PAT No Program Allocation Table detected in input carrier (or
terrestrial interface). Check that legal ISO transport is
available from uplink mux. Often, this indication may appear
when the connection between the uplink transport mux and
the DVB modulator is lost.
No PCR No Program Clock Reference found, either in video or stand-
alone PID. Check uplink mux or that program's encoder.
No PMT No Program Map Table found for a program listed in PAT. This
could be a fault in the uplink mux.
No RF signal No carrier lock with low RF signal power indication. There
may be a disconnected RF signal. Check connection and
check that LNB has DC power.
No SDT entry No Service Descriptor Table, or the table is corrupt or missing
proper entries. Uplink mux may not support this DVB feature
or may have fault.
No valid software No valid application software available in either the primary or
backup flash positions. Unit will need service.
(N=field number;
M=line number)
VBI data not found in video user data or PID for Field N line M
If any is expected, contact network TOC.
PAT disappeared Formerly valid Program Allocation Table ceases to be
received or becomes corrupt. See "No PAT" indication.
PAT version changed Version number in Program Allocation Table has changed but
no change to program lineup.
PCR disappeared Formerly valid Program Clock Reference ceases to be
received or becomes corrupt. See "No PCR" indication.
PCR jitter Excessive jitter in Program Clock Reference values. This may
degrade timing of output video signals. Check uplink encoder
for that program.
PCR value jump Unrecoverable transition in incoming Program Clock
Reference values. This has forced re-initialization of services.
Check uplink encoder for that program.
PMT disappeared Formerly valid Program Map Table ceases to be received or
becomes corrupt. See "No PMT" indication.
PMT version changed Version number on one or more of the Program Map Tables
has changed but no change to PID lineup.
Prog blackout on ASI Some services available from satellite not routed to IRD ASI
output per program mapping instructions from COMPEL
This is not necessarily a fault.
Program in blackout Selected program not available for local decompression
because this program content was blocked to ASI transport
output by network. Contact network TOC.
LCD Alarm or Warning
Meaning / Possible Cause