3. Turn the power switch on and verify the ignition
control module is receiving power from the
A. If 24VAC is present, then module is
receiving power. Turn the power switch off
and continue with procedure.
B. If 24VAC is not present then find the
source of the problem.
4. Disconnect power to the machine.
5. Verify all electrical connections on the ignition
control module are secure.
6. Verify the ground wire connections on the
ignition control module and the gas pilot
mounting bracket are clean and secure. The
gas pilot should have good metal to metal
contact to the pilot mounting bracket on the
7. Remove the gas pilot and check the following:
A. Inspect the ceramic insulator on the
ignitor/flame sense electrode for cracks or
evidence of exposure to extreme heat,
which can permit leakage to ground. If
either of these conditions exist, then install
a replacement gas pilot.
B. Inspect the ignitor electrode and ground
clip for contaminates, or corrosion. Clean
those surfaces as necessary.
C. The gap between the ignitor/flame sense
electrode and the ground clip should be 1/8
inch. If the gap is outside of this dimension,
bend the ground clip as necessary, to
make the adjustment.
D. Check the ignitor cable connection for
tightness and damaged insulation. If the
ignitor cable appears to be damaged, then
install a replacement ignitor cable.
8. With gas pilot installed and the ignitor cable
connected, reconnect power and turn the gas
supply on.
9. Turn power switch on and observe spark from
A. If spark from ignitor is present and ignites
the gas for the pilot, and burners light, then
the system is working properly.
B. If gas pilot lights but does not maintain an
adequate flame during the trial for ignition
(90 sec.), check pilot orifice for clogging.
NOTE: If orifice is clogged with debris, clean with air
or water only.
C. If spark from ignitor is present but does not
ignite pilot gas before the ignition control
module locks out, there may not be enough
gas in the line for ignition.
Turn the power switch off to re-set the
module. Wait 5 minutes between ignition
tries for unburned gas to vent. Turn the
power switch on and sparking should
resume to ignite pilot. The module may
need re-set several times before ignition
takes place.
D. If ignitor is still not sparking, turn the power
switch off, disconnect power and turn the
gas supply off.
10. Install a replacement ignition control module
and check for proper operation.
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