07 Wheels and tires
General information
When replacing tires, the tires with the
most tread should be mounted on the rear
wheels to reduce the chance of oversteer
during hard braking.
Hitting curbs or potholes can damage the
tires and/or wheels permanently.
Summer and winter tires
The arrows shows the direction of rotation of the
When switching between summer and
winter tires, mark the tires to indicate
where they were mounted on the car, e.g.,
LF = left front, RR = right rear
Tires with tread designed to roll in only one
direction are marked with an arrow on the
Incorrectly mounted tires impair the car's
braking properties and ability to force
aside rain, snow and slush.
The tires with the most tread should always
be at the rear (to reduce the risk of skid-
Contact a Volvo workshop if you are
unsure about the tread depth.
Storing wheels and tires
When storing complete wheels (tires mounted
on rims), they should be suspended off the
floor or placed on their sides on the floor.
Tires not mounted on rims should be stored on
their sides or standing upright, but should not
be suspended.
Tires should preferably be stored in a cool,
dry, dark place, and should never be stored
in close proximity to solvents, gasoline, oils,
The wheel and tire sizes for your Volvo
are specified to meet stringent stability
and handling requirements. Unap-
proved wheel/tire size combinations
can negatively affect your vehicle's sta-
bility and handling.
Any damage caused by installation of
unapproved wheel/tire size combina-
tions will not be covered by your new
vehicle warranty. Volvo assumes no
responsibility for death, injury, or
expenses that may result from such
Tire wear
Tire rotation
Tire wear is affected by a number of factors
such as tire inflation, ambient temperature,
driving style, etc. Your vehicle is driven mainly
by the front tires, which will wear faster.
If the tires are rotated, they should only be
moved from front to back or vice versa. They
should never be rotated left to right/right to left.
However, tire rotation, done at the recom-
mended intervals, is one way of helping to keep
tread wear as even as possible and will help
you get maximum mileage from your tires.