DivX operations
In order to turn CDGs into DivX discs, you need to download three programs: 1) DivX Codec, a compressor/decompressor to compress
converted files and compile DivX discs,
2) a CDG Ripper which will allow you to copy or “rip” CDGs to your PC as a CDG Bin file and 3) Power CDG to AVI Converter to covert
these CDG Bin files to DivX format (AVI files).
PC with internet connection
Hardware: CDG compatible CD or DVD drives; Yamaha, Liteon, Sony HP and Plextor are known for CDG compatible drives.
Software: DivX Codec , CDG Ripper and Power CDG to AVI Converter
You can download
1. DivX Codec at: http://www.divx.com. This program is free.
2. CDG Ripper at: http://www.tricerasoft.com/cgi-bin/download.asp?prg=CDD1
3. Power CDG to AVI Converter at: http://www.powerkaraoke.net/download/powercdg2avi.exe
Follow each website’s directions for download of these programs.
We have provided basic instructions for ripping CDGs and Converting these files to AVI files. Refer to the help menu for each program
for further assistance.*
To Rip CDGs
1. Insert CDG into your CD or DVD drive on your PC.
2. Create a new folder on your hard drive and name it “CDG,” for example.
3. At the bottom of the screen select OUTPUT PATH to your new folder as the destination.
4. Select all tracks and click on CONVERT.
6. Set default in QUICK OPTION to STEREO. Do not click on VOCAL REMOVE.
Each song should take approximately one minute for the ripping process to finalize, depending on your system.
You will see fle names Track01.BIN, Track02.BIN, etc. when disc has been ripped.
To convert from CDG BIN files to AVI files
1. Create a new folder in your hard drive and name it “CDGDIVX,” for example.
2. Open the program and select BATCH for batch encoding.
3. Click ADD and select the BIN files you previously created with the CDG ripper from the appropriate folder. Click OPEN.
4. Click on VIDEO COMPRESSION and select DivX Pro 5.1.1 Codec and click OK
5. Click on AUDIO COMPRESSION and select MPEG LAYER-3. Under ATTRIBUTE select 48KBIT 22050 STEREO and click OK.
6. Click OUTPUT DIRECTLY. Click BROWSE and select your CDGDIVX folder.
7. Click CONVERT
Each file should take approximately one minute to encode, depending on your system. The final files should each have an AVI extension
and each file should be at least 10MB or less.
* DivX Networks, Inc, Tricerasoft, Power Karaoke and the Power CDG to AVI Converter are not affiliated with VocoPro. VocoPro makes
no claims about their products and assumes no responsibility
for the effectiveness of them.