
TOA VS-900 Programmer’s Guide
Security system installations often require integration of the VS-900 Security Intercom systems with
touch-screen control systems, graphic annunciator panels, and camera controllers. TOA offers two
options for meeting this requirement:
1. The VS-900DI and VS-910DI interface products offer a hardware solution—they provide the call LED
outputs and select switch inputs required for graphic annunciator panels. They also provide relay outputs
for camera switcher integration. Using this off-the-shelf method requires no knowledge of computer
programming or serial communication.
2. The VS-900MF Mainframe has two integral serial ports for integration with a microprocessor-based
product (usually a PC or PLC) for remote control and monitoring of VS-900 activity. Serial communication
with the VS-900MF eliminates the need for installing VS-900DI and VS-910DI cards and elevates the
programmer's level of control.
This document targets programmers who need an understanding of how they can remote control and
monitor the VS-900 by communicating through its RS-232 ports.
Note: Descriptions of the protocol and all examples are written in hexadecimal (H). Appendix B includes a
chart for hex to decimal and ASCII conversion.
VS-900 Documentation
Please refer to the following VS-900 documents, shipped with the VS-900MF or available by request.
VS-900 Installation Manual
VS-900 Operating Instructions
VS-900 Software Manual
Useful Software Tools
MS Windows Calculator, usually located under Program Files\Accessories
HyperTerminal Private Edition, available for download from http://www.hilgraeve.com
ComLite32 Serial Com Port Monitor software available for download from http://www.rtcomm.com