Chapter 1: Read me First!Chapter 1: Read me First!
Chapter 1: Read me First!Chapter 1: Read me First!
Chapter 1: Read me First!
Close here with
20 - 45 lbs force
Rotate here to tighten/loosen
Wheel / Seat SkewWheel / Seat Skew
Wheel / Seat SkewWheel / Seat Skew
Wheel / Seat Skew
er Operationer Operation
er Operationer Operation
er Operation
Skewer Handle Skewer Nut
Thank youThank you
Thank youThank you
Thank you for choosing a VISION Recumbent! Here at Advanced
Transportation Products we have produced the most advanced, full featured line of
recumbents available. Please take a few moments now to fill out your warranty
registration card - we want to know what you think about your new bike.
Before we explore your new VISION's features, we would like to take a few
moments to discuss some important points about recumbents and bike riding in
ays ways w
ays ways w
ays w
ear an ANSI or Snell apprear an ANSI or Snell appr
ear an ANSI or Snell apprear an ANSI or Snell appr
ear an ANSI or Snell appr
ed helmeted helmet
ed helmeted helmet
ed helmet
-- Yes, with their
lower center of gravity and feet-first position, recumbents are significantly safer
than upright bicycles. You still need to protect your most valuable body part. Modern
bicycle helmets are light, cool, and offer lifesaving protection.
Check your bike carefully before each rideCheck your bike carefully before each ride
Check your bike carefully before each rideCheck your bike carefully before each ride
Check your bike carefully before each ride
-- Spend a few moments
before each ride inspecting your VISION for problems.
*Check all the nuts, bolts and other fasteners to make sure none are loose.
*The tires should be inflated to the pressure moulded on the sidewall,
and free of cuts or imperfections.
*The wheel and seat quick release skewers should be clamped shut with
at least 20 lbs (14kgf) of force, and a sharp blow to the top of the tire should not
knock the wheel loose. Study the wheel / seat skewer operation diagram - the skewer
handle has a curve in it that will face the tire when properly closed. Open the
skewer handle, tighten the skewer nut slightly, then close the skewer handle ( curve
facing toward the wheel). It should take 20-45 lbs of force to close the handle as
shown, and the skewer should emboss the metal of the wheel dropout.
We sell a clear plastic fairing for your Vision bike. It mounts to any Vision 40, 50 or
60 series bike except the MediumWheelbase R40MWB.
The unit mounts to the front derailleur
tube. There is about a 10% - 15%
reduction in aerodynamic drag with the
fairing, but the real advantage of the
fairing is the weather protection it offers.
Riding in cold and wet weather is a joy in
comparison to an unfaired bike, making
this a must for year-round commuting.
Light MountLight Mount
Light MountLight Mount
Light Mount
This unit adds a small section of handlebar
diameter tube to the front derailleur tube of your
VISION, and allows many light systems to be
mounted up front.
Chapter 4: (Continued)Chapter 4: (Continued)
Chapter 4: (Continued)Chapter 4: (Continued)
Chapter 4: (Continued)