Digital Drive User’s Manual
SETUP column lock This setting freezes the SETUP column values.
reviously, after individually setting preset values,
a change to the setup column would override any
individual preset changes. Users are advised to
complete the global setup using the setup values,
then freeze the setup column and adjust individual
presets if desired.
Remember previous graph so This has been implemented by simply not erasing
that the effect of settings the previous graph until the new graph overlays it,
such as phase or crossover allowing the user to see the effect of the
can be seen new settings.
Full functionality on graph Previously, the TEST button showed the user the
screen when TEST key is graph screen but the only function was to press
pressed on settings screen TEST again to return to the settings screen. Now
the graph screen is fully functional, and pressing
test again puts the user at the field where they left
off on the settings screen.
Light blink scheme for When the volume up or down buttons are pressed,
volume level
the Velodyne light will blink faster as the volume
increases, and slower as the volume decreases.
Light blink scheme for The Velodyne light blinks the number of times for the
preset selection preset (e.g. three times for preset three).
Accommodate all requested This was introduced in release 1.6 and has been
discreet remote codes carried over to release 2.0.
Slave Mode When two DD subwoofers are connected together
via RS232 cable, the slave subwoofer goes into
slave mode whereby it ignores remote IR input.
To reset from slave mode, power cycle the unit.