PROBLEM: LED does not blink or blinks twice when you
press a key.
SOLUTION: Replace the batteries with two (2) new AA
alkaline batteries (see page 7).
PROBLEM: LED blinks when you press a key,but home
entertainment component does not respond.
SOLUTION: Make sure you are aiming the Millennium 3 at
your home entertainment component and that
you are within 15 feet of the component you are
trying to control.
PROBLEM: The Millennium 3 does not control home enter-
tainment components or commands are not per-
forming properly.
SOLUTION: Try all listed codes for the component brand
being set up. Make sure all components can be
operated with an infrared remote control.
PROBLEM: TV/VCR combo does not respond properly.
SOLUTION: Use the VCR codes for your brand. Some combo
units may require both a TV code and a VCR
code for full operation (see page 16).
PROBLEM: CH+ , CH – ,and LAST do not work for your
SOLUTION: Due to RCA design (1983-1987), only the original
remote control will operate these functions.
PROBLEM: Changing channels does not work properly.
SOLUTION: If original remote control required pressing
ENTER to change channels,press ENTER on the
Millennium 3 after entering a channel number.
PROBLEM: Tried “Search Method”and still could not find a
working code.
SOLUTION: Try the “Search Method”again after clearing out
the device key as follows: Press and hold ENTER
until red light blinks twice,then release.Next
enter 9 - 9 - 2.Then press and release the device
key to be cleared twice.
PROBLEM: Remote control does not turn on Sony or Sharp
TV/VCR Combo.
SOLUTION: For power on,these products require program-
ming TV codes on the Millennium 3.For Sony,
use TV code 0000 and VCR code 0032.For Sharp,
use TV code 0093 and VCR code 0048.
Millennium 3 Mnl M3090 8/16/99 9:26 AM Page 26