Feature Highlights
• Loud Hailer - You can use the radio to talk and listen using the speaker.
• Fog Horn - You can use the radio to sound a fog horn. If you connect an optional GPS
receiver to the radio, the radio can even sound the appropriate fog horn sound based on
the type of vessel where the radio is installed (sail or power), and whether the vessel is
moving or stopped.
GPS Features - You can use these features if you connect an optional GPS receiver to the
• GPS Intuitive - The radio automatically suggests the correct channel mode based on its
current location (USA, International, and Canadian channels).
• Automatic Local Time Setting - The radio sets itself to the correct local time.
• Automatic Fog Horn - The radio sounds the appropriate fog horn sound based on the type
of vessel where the radio is installed (sail or power), and whether the vessel is moving or
• NMEA Input - If you connect an optional GPS receiver to the radio, it displays
information such as your vessel's latitude and longitude, speed and course, and the date
and time. You can also send position information and use GPS Intuitive data using this
• NMEA Output - The radio automatically passes received DSC information to an optional
connected chart plotter.
WHAM Input - If you connect an optional 900 MHz analog WHAM microphone to the radio,
you can use it to control the radio from almost anywhere aboard your vessel.
WHAM x 4 Input - If you connect an optional 2.4 GHz digital WHAM x 4 microphone to the
radio, you can use it to control the radio from almost anywhere aboard your vessel, and each
WHAM x 4 user can communicate with each other. You can also use the radio's intercom
function to communicate with each WHAM x 4 user. You can even use a second base radio as
an intercom.