
Page 26
How Do I Use It?
enTeRinG An AddReSS oR inTeRSecTion:
If you followed the instructions for Entering Your Home
Location starting on page 9, the process is the same.
The device shows you the last-used region of the map. If this is
not the region you want, choose change region; The device
opens the Select Region screen.
Use the up and down buttons to nd the region you want to
use, and tap the region name.
The US maps contain 53 regions: all 50 states, Puerto
Rico, the US Virgin Islands, and the District of Columbia.
As soon as you select a region, the device goes to the Input
City Name screen.
Use the letter
keypad to enter the
name of the city
or unincorporated
area where your
destination is.
If you need to
delete a letter, tap
the backspace button ( ).