
www.uniden.com.au, www.uniden.co.nz20
Navigation Software
Navigation Software
www.uniden.co.nz 31
Find a destination from MY POI as follows:
You can check and manage all points that you have saved as MY POI.
1. Touch [MY POI] on the Find screen.
2. Manage the MY POI information or start a route to selected MY POI.
Note :
- [Home]: Start the route guidance from the current position to your Home.
- [Work]: Start the route guidance from the current position to your Work.
- [1~4]: Start the route guidance to the points saved as frequently-visited MY POI.
- [MAP]: Display a searched MY POI on the map screen.
- [GO]: Start the route guidance with the selected MY POI as the destination.
- [MODIFY]: Edit MY POI.
- [DELETE]: Delete MY POI.
Find a destination from MY POI as follows:
You can check and manage all points that you have saved as MY POI.
1. Touch [MY POI] on the Find screen.
2. Manage the MY POI information or start a route to selected MY POI.
Home, Work, POI 1, POI 2, POI 3 and POI 4 are xed name MY POI which
cannot be modied but can be stored over or deleted and stored again. All other
My POIs can be modied.
Note :
- [Home]: Start the route guidance from the current position to your Home.
- [Work]: Start the route guidance from the current position to your Work.
- [1~4]: Start the route guidance to the points saved as frequently-visited MY POI.
- [MAP]: Display a searched MY POI on the map screen.
- [GO]: Start the route guidance with the selected MY POI as the destination.
- [MODIFY]: Edit MY POI.
- [DELETE]: Delete MY POI.
GNS8431-8436 OM-COVERS.indd 20 5/11/07 3:28:38 PM