To the world of sophisticated. nii~processor controlled AMlSSB radio communications,
Your UnidenPC122XL represents one of the most advanced mobile type radio ever
designed for use in the Citizens Band Radio Service. Itwilloperate on any of the 40 AM
frequencies an",Upper and Lower Side Band Frequencies designated by the Department
of Transport and Communications (DOTAC). Your PC 122XL features a frequency
synthesizing circuit with PHASE LOCK LOQf te~niq\J,es, to assure precise freqlJeQCY
control. This radio has been type accepted an;dcel1ified~y thg'DOTAC. '
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Before transmitting with your trapsmitter. you must obtain a Department ofTransport and/" If
Communicati()rJ:sCitizens Band:Radio Service (CBRS) License. Obtain a brochure and
a CaRS Ucense Application form in your nearest DOTAC office. Mail the completed
application form and the appropriate fee to the Superintendent Regulatory of Ucensing
in the State of Territory in which the station will be operated.
Plan the location of the radio and microphone bracket before starting installation.
Select a location that is convenient for operation and does not interfere with the
driver or passenger in the vehicle. The radio should be securely fastened to a solid
surface using the mounting bracket and self-tapping screws which are provided.
Since the maximum allowable power output of the transceiver is limited by the DOT AC.
the antenna is a very important factor affecting transmission distance. It isfor this reason
that we strongly recommend that you install only a quality antenna in YOtn'new ca radio
system. You have purchased a superior quality transceiver. Don't diminish its perform-
ance by installing an inferior antenna. h,
, gnl„~ Pfc:>perly,matct1ed antenna systemwillallow maxi my'" power transfer from the'50-;:<'}~~)'i.;1\~t{
.ovmfJ"ansmission line tothe radiating element. Wereconimend that you use an SWR ','~<:'t~<
metQr when ,installing your antenna. Set your PC122XL to channel 20 and adjust to SWR' ,. >':'
";"1..YourlJ.NIDEN dealer is qu~lified.to assist you in theseJection of the proper antenna'
to m~etyour' application requirements. . .
For automobileinstallation,the whip antenna may be used with good effect. The most
efficient and practical installation is a full quarter wave whip antenna mounted on the
rear deck or fender top, midway between the rear window and bumper.
A short "Ioaded" whip antenna is more convenient to install on your automobile,
although the efficiency is less than a fun quarter wave whip antenna.
For marine installation, consult your dealer for information regardingan adequate
grounding system and prevention of electrolysis between fittings on the hull and
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