If connecting leads and electric animal fence wires are
installed near an overhead power line, the clearances shall
not be less than those shown in the table below.
Minimum clearances from power lines for electric animal
Power line voltage
≤1000 V
3 m (10')
>1000 V to ≤33,000 V
4 m (13')
>33,000 V
8 m (27')
If connecting leads and electric animal fence wires are
installed near an overhead power line, their height above
the ground shall not exceed 3 m (10'). This height applies
to either side of the orthogonal projection of the
outermost conductors of the power line on the ground
surface, for a distance of:
• 2 m (6'6") for power lines operating at a nominal
voltage not exceeding 1000 V.
• 15 m (50') for power lines operating at a nominal
voltage exceeding 1000 V.
Electric animal fences intended for deterring birds,
household pet containment or training animals such as
cows need only be supplied from low output energizers to
obtain satisfactory and safe performance.
In electric animal fences intended for deterring birds from
roosting on buildings, no electric fence wire shall be
connected to the energizer earth electrode. A warning
sign shall be fitted to every point where persons may gain
ready access to the conductors.
Where an electric animal fence crosses a public pathway,
a non-electrified gate shall be incorporated in the electric
animal fence at that point or a crossing by means of stiles
shall be provided. At any such crossing, the adjacent
electrified wires shall carry warning signs.
Any part of an electric animal fence that is installed along
a public road or pathway shall be identified at frequent
intervals by warning signs securely fastened to the fence
posts or firmly clamped to the fence wires.
• The size of the warning sign shall be at least
100x200 mm (4x8").
• The background colour of both sides of the warning
sign shall be yellow. The inscription on the sign
shall be black and shall be either:
or the substance of "CAUTION: Electric animal
• The inscription shall be indelible, inscribed on both
sides of the warning sign and have a height of at
least 25 mm (1").
Ensure that all mains-operated, ancillary equipment
connected to the electric animal fence circuit provides a
degree of isolation between the fence circuit and the
supply mains equivalent to that provided by the energizer.
Protection from the weather shall be provided for the
ancillary equipment unless this equipment is certified by
the manufacturer as being suitable for use outdoors, and
is of a type with a minimum degree of protection IPX4.
Frequently asked
What voltage is required to control animals?
4 kV is widely accepted as the recommended minimum
voltage to control animals. However, you also require a
well constructed fence system to ensure that animals
cannot push through electrified wires.
The fence voltage is below 4 kV. How do I
increase the voltage?
Check the energizer.
Disconnect the fence wire from the
energizer's fence output terminal. Measure the voltage
across the energizer terminals with a Fault Finder or
Digital Voltmeter. If the voltage is less than 6 kV, the
energizer may require servicing.
Check the energizer earthing.
Use the procedure described
Installing and testing an earth system
on page 8.
Check the fence system for faults.
The most common
source of low voltage is faults on the fence line.
If the fence, earth and energizer are in good condition and
the voltage is still below 4 kV, talk to your nearest
reseller. Recent extensions to your fence, a poor fence
layout, or soil conditions may be causing inadequate
How do I locate faults?
The recommended tool for locating faults is a Fault Finder.
This combined voltage and current meter allows you to
rapidly locate sources of current leakage. Alternatively,
use a Digital Voltmeter. Use cut-out switches to turn off
the power to different sections of the farm. If the voltage
on the fence increases when a section of the farm is
turned off, then investigate that section for possible faults.
There are no lights flashing on the energizer.
Check the power supply to ensure that the power is
switched on. Check the fence system for faults (see
above). Check the energizer (see above). If the energizer
still does not operate, it may require servicing.