usIng the
eart rate
our heart
Z 8 a n d Z 9 S e r i e s Tr e a d m i l l O w n e r ' s G u i d e
BasIc operatIon
Heart Rate Monitoring
three : BasIC operatIon
The Z8 and Z9 Series (except the Z8 and Z9
Non) can monitor your heart rate when
you wear the transmitter strap provided.
It will display it as a digital beats-
per-minute readout, and it is
very accurate, typically within one
beat per minute.
Although the treadmill functions fine without using the heart rate
monitoring feature, this kind of monitoring gives you valuable
feedback on your effort level. It also allows you to use the most
advanced training system available on a treadmill: True's Heart Rate
Control, where the treadmill automatically adjusts your workout
level based on your heart rate. See the Heart Rate Control section of
this manual for details.
The transmitter strap should be worn directly
against your skin, about one inch below the pectoral
muscles/breast line.
Women should be careful to place the transmitter
below their bra line.
Some moisture is necessary between the strap and
your skin. Sweat from your exercise works best,
but ordinary tap water may be used prior to your
workout if desired.