truefitness.com / 800.426.6570 / 1.636.272.7100
Chapter 7: Additional Information
What Is TRUE World?
TRUE World is the way in which we hope to further engage our TRUE community. Whether you are a
TRUE dealer, an owner of a piece of TRUE cardio equipment, or simply a tness enthusiast, we hope you
become part of TRUE World.
With the new Universal Console on TRUE cardio equipment, TRUE World is a place where YOU select the
machine with the display YOU choose, tailoring each machine to t your needs and budget. The new
console choices range from classic to trendsetting.
Only in the TRUE WORLD can you nd this new console design that not only provides a sleek, cohesive
look, but also provides versatile display options for EVERY piece of equipment.
But that’s just the beginning. Share what your TRUE World is online with us -- through our website www.
truetness.com/world or through our social media sites on Facebook and Twitter.
TRUE World is a community of users. Through that community of users we hope to continue the tradition
of excellence that is TRUE. TRUE World is a place where tradition meets technology; where 29 years of
continuous innovation and improvement produces ONE THING - the world’s nest cardio equipment.
Only TRUE users know - these rugged yet elegant machines are simply the smoothest, quietest, and most
durable on the market.
TRUE WORLD is helping us prepare our premier cardio machines to meet the future.
This truly is just the beginning...
www.facebook.com/TRUE-tness www.twitter.com/truetnesstech