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Chapter 4: Programming &
Programming & Operation: 2-Window LCD:
Here are a list of programming options available on your CS500 treadmill. Programming and operation may
dier depending on the type of console. For more information on programming and operation please visit
Quick Start: Begin a manual workout by pressing START. (A Manual Workout is one where all aspects of
the workout -time, distance, speed, incline - are dened by the user.
Pre-set Workouts: Based on your goals, choose one of the following pre-set workouts.
Calorie Burn:• A walking workout, where max speed is 4 mph.
Hill Intervals:
• Walking intervals with grade alternate between hills and nearly at in two-
minute segments.
• Speed Intervals: Zero-grade walking or running intervals are in one-minute segments.
Cardio Challenge• : Similiar to Speed Ramp Up, except both speed and incline change
throughout the workout.
HRC Workouts: Heart Rate Control monitors your heart rate and automatically adjusts speed
and incline to keep it within a preselected range.
Time-based constant HRC:• pick a target heart rate and exercise for an amount of time you
Cruise Control:
• while in any workout, set your current heart rate as your target HR by pressing
a single key.
Fitness Tests:
Gerkin Fitness Test: A tness test used to estimate your VO2 max. This test increases speed and incline
gradually every minute and ends at the point where your heart rate reaches 85% of the maximum for your
Army Fitness Test:• This is a 2-Mile running test measured against age and gender calculations.
Navy Fitness Test:• This is a 1.5 mile running test measured against age and gender.
Air Force Test:• This is a 1.5 mile running test measured against age and gender.
Marines Test:• This is a 3-Mile running test measured against calculations for male and female.