Installation and Maintenance 65
9 Replace all panels and parts and restore electrical
power to the unit.
10 Allow the unit to dry thoroughly before putting the
system back into service.
11 Use caution to assure that any contaminated
material does not contact other areas of the unit
or building. Properly dispose of all
contaminated materials and cleaning solution.
Coil Winterization
Provisions must be made to drain coils that are not in
use when subjected to freezing temperatures. Coil
type NS may be adequately drained in its pitched
position within the unit and the installer must provide
appropriate piping for adequate drainage.
Coil types UU, D, DD, (provided with drain and vent)
K, W, WC, and P can be adequately drained as
installed in their level position.
Failure to properly drain and vent
coils when not in use during freez-
ing temperatures may result in coil
freeze-up damage.
Use caution in removing header
plugs from P2, P4 and P8 coils.
Over torquing may result in
twisted tubes.
Type UW Coil - (Leveled/pitched— not fully
Remove the vent and drain plugs and blow the coils
out as completely as possible with compressed air.
The coils should then be filled and drained several
times with full strength inhibited ethylene glycol, so
that it will mix thoroughly with the water retained in
the coil. Drain the coil out as completely as possible.
Type K Coils
To winterize Type K coils, remove the header covers.
If tubes are fouled, clean with nylon or fiber brush. To
ensure that no water will remain in the coil, do not
replace the header covers until the coils are put back
into service. When the coils are put back into service,
new gaskets must be used. When header covers are
replaced, apply washers under the bolt heads and
tighten bolts evenly to 50 pound-feet. Bolts should be
tightened beginning in the center and working toward
the outside.