
39 69-1817—04
Step 8. User Setup Number 0280: Continuous Backlight
To change Options, press the Up or Down arrow key to the right of the number in the lower right
corner of the screen. Options:|
0 - No. Continuous backlight OFF.|
1 - Yes. Continuous backlight ON. Backlight will dim to half brightness 45 seconds after last key
To advance to the next Setup Number, press the Up arrow key to the right of 0280. To go back to the
previous Setup Number, press the Down arrow key.
Step 9. User Setup Number 0320: Display Temperature Shown in °F or °C
To change Options, press the Up or Down arrow key to the right of the number in the lower right
corner of the screen. Options:|
0 - Fahrenheit.
1 - Celsius.
To advance to the next Setup Number, press the Up arrow key to the right of 0320. To go back to the
previous Setup Number, press the Down arrow key.