8.2.7 Custom Unit
The custom unit, which indicates the flow rate multiplied by an arbitrary coefficient, can be defined.
The flow rate indication using the custom unit defined here can be used by selecting CUSTOM in the
indicting unit setting.
The custom unit consists of an coefficient and a unit string
Coefficient of custom unit
A coefficient to determine the numeric value for indication by custom unit
The indicated value is calculated in the following equation:
Custom unit indication (numeric value) = Measured value in m
/min × Custom coefficient
The custom coefficient can be set in a numeric value of 6 digits including a decimal point.
Unit string of custom unit
The unit to be used for indication by custom unit
A string of up to 7 characters using the following codes can be set.
Alphabetic letters (lower case letters) : a
− z
Alphabetic letters (upper case letters) : A
− Z
Number: 0
− 9
Symbol: ( ) ····· Parentheses
% ········· Percent
. ··········· Period (dot)
⋅ ··········· Point
: ··········· Colon
= ·········· Equal sign
− ·········· Minus (hyphen)
* ·········· Asterisk
/ ··········· Slash
········· Space (blank)