This screen shows the percentage of your target you have reached and the remaining distance, time
or number of calories.
Tip: When running, you can head away from home until your progress reads 50% and then turn and
come back again.
Progress alerts
When training to a goal, your watch alerts you at these stages:
How to get there: Activity screen > Move Down > Training > Intervals > Warmup, Work, Rest, # Sets,
or Cooldown.
Select this option to use interval training.
Interval training is short periods of exercise followed by rest. The main aim of interval training is to
improve speed and cardiovascular fitness. For example, during a 20 minute walk-jog workout you
could do an 8 minute fast walk, followed by 3 sets of 1 minute running and 2 minutes walking, then a 5
minute walk to cool down.
For warmup, work, rest and cooldown, you can set either a time or a distance. For sets, you choose
the number of sets you want to include in your interval training program.
Tip: If you move right after setting the warmup details, you are then in the right place to setup the
rest of that interval set including work, rest etc.
During interval training, you see an alert for the next stage of interval training: