16 Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only. Your unit might differ slightly.
Chapter 3: Playing Discs (DVDs)
Search Options
To search a disc, you can use the FORWARD button or the REVERSE button. You can also utilize the following search features:
e Scan — There are 5 speeds. When you’re playing a disc, each time you press FORWARD or REVERSE, your DVD Player scans the disc faster
until you reach the fastest scan speed. To resume normal playback, press PLAY.
eeze Frame and Frame Advance – While a disc is playing, press PAUSE to freeze the picture. To advance one frame at a time, press PAUSE again
(the on-screen icon changes from PAUSE to FRAME). Each time you press the FORWARD or REVERSE button, the picture goes to the next (or
previous) frame. To resume normal playback, press PLAY.
w Motion (in Freeze Fr
ame Mode) – While a disc is playing, press PAUSE. Press REVERSE or FORWARD (each time you press REVERSE or
FORWARD the slow motion will get even slower). To resume normal playback, press PLAY.
Playback options
Many of your DVD Player’s playback features are accessed through the Info Display (described on page 17). Additionally, with some discs you can use
the Zoom Feature to see details of an image and the Scene Again feature to quickly repeat the last few seconds of the movie.
1. While you’re playing a disc, press ZOOM (the player zooms in on the image). Each time you press ZOOM, the picture is magnified even more (up
to 4 times). To return to normal screen size, press ZOOM.
2. To see other parts of the picture when you’ve zoomed in on the image, press the up, down, left, and/or right arrow buttons.
Scene Again
While you’re playing a disc, press the AGAIN button on the remote (the disc automatically repeats the last few seconds of the movie).