26 • Grill2Go Express
Clean burner prior to use after storing, at the beginning of grilling season or after a period of
one month not being used. Spiders and insects like to build nests in burner tubes (especially
during colder months). These nests can cause fires in burner tubes or under grill.
Typical spider webs inside burner.
Cleaning the Burner Assembly.
Turn gas off at control knob and LP tank.
VERY IMPORTANT: Before cooking again on grill, follow and
warnings on pages 2 and 19.
2. Remove cooking surface.
3. Remove regulator/valve from grill.
4. Clean outside of burner with soap and water. Open clogged holes with a thin wire.
Examine holes. Due to normal wear and corrosion some holes may become enlarged. If any
large cracks or holes are found, replace burner. Burner can be cleaned either installed or
5. If grill is to be stored, coat burner lightly with cooking oil. Wrap in protective cover to keep
insects out.
6. Replace cooking surface.
Burner Flame Check
Non-Stick Cooking Surface Use and Care.
• Use only plastic tools.
• Do not cut food on surface.
• Do not put pots or pans on surface.
• Do not leave lid down for more than 10 minutes without food on the grill.
Non-stick surface may be damaged.
Storing Your Grill
• Clean cooking surface and grease container.
• When LP tank is connected to grill, store outdoors in well-ventilated space and out of reach
of children.
• Cover grill if stored outdoors.
• Store grill indoors ONLY if LP tank is turned off and disconnected, removed from grill and
stored outdoors in well-ventilated space and out of reach of children.
• Leak test the grill after removing from storage and follow Cleaning Burner Assembly
instructions before starting grill.