
Connecting to Datacryptor Ethernet Units Datacryptor Ethernet User Manual
Page 26 THALES
2. Open a terminal session through a VT-100 terminal emulation program such as
HyperTerminal. Enter the connection name, the appropriate serial port (usually COM1 or
COM2), and the following serial port parameters:
Serial Port Parameter Value
Baud Speed 115,200
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
3. Switch on the Datacryptor unit.
4. As the unit boots the message CONFIG STARTUP Y/N will be shown and all the units
LEDs will be lit.
5. Press Y the unit will respond by displaying a short banner and the prompt IPCONFIG>.
6. At the command prompt, type Help for a list of commands available.
Command Description
HELP Display help for a command
HELPKEYS List of keyboard usage in this command interface
DEFAULT Return all IP address and net mask settings to defaults.
DISPLAY Display current IP address and net mask settings
IPFORWARD Enable or disable IP forwarding
ROUTE Add, delete, or display IP routing data
SET Set an IP address and net mask settings
SETTIME Display or set the unit time (Un-commissioned Datacryptor
Ethernet unit)
SHOWLOG Basic display of log contents
VERSIONS Display version numbers of application and bootstrap
EXIT Exit the process and reboot the unit if a parameter has been
changed, or just exit if no changes have been made.
Note: Before setting the Management port’s parameters, you may want to read the IP
Management tab section for some background knowledge on their values.