TWI Main Menu
F1 Report Output
F2 Retrieve Log Data
F3 Display Log Data
F4 Purge Log Data
F5 Display Cal Data
F6 Graphic Log Data
F7 Print Log Data
F8 Get Version again
F9 Set Date/Time
F10 Exit Program
Pressing F1 enables the user to communicate with the WRL using all the commands referred to in
the Communicating with the WRL (page 14) Section of this manual.
Pressing F2 instructs the computer to retrieve data from the WRL and place that data in a file on
the disk drive. Only new data will be written to disk during successive retrievals. Any number of
WRL’s or WPS’ can be accessed and their data will be put in different files on the drive. There will
be two files written on to your drive, log_day.??? and log_rec.???. Log_day. ??? has the minimum
and maximum values and log_rec.??? has the individual records. Each file has a file extenuation
that corresponds to the ID number of each weather unit. The ID number can be changed through
the calibration (F5) routine in Twi_Log. For example if you downloaded data from a unit with the ID
of 124 the data for that unit would be found in log_rec.124.
Pressing F3 displays the data written on disk. Press the up arrow key to go up or down one record
at a time, press the page up or down keys to display one screen of data at a time, press the home
or end key to go to the top or bottom of the file. The delete key takes all records prior to that
displayed at the top of the screen and transfers that data to an archive file arc_log.??? file. The
extension ??? will be the same as the unit number. The data that is archived is removed from the
current display and log file.
Pressing F4 purges any duplicate data written on disk.
Pressing F5 -the calibration screen.
Texas Weather Instruments, Inc. WR-25 Instruction Manual