
VCC Software in Depth
Table 9. VCC Register Map Editor Controls
Control Definition
Register Window Scrolling text box that displays the address and data for the I2C registers that are defined for the device.
This contains the I2C subaddress that will be accessed using the Write and Read buttons. Clicking on a
row selects an address, which then appears in the address edit box.
NOTE: After clicking on a row, the Data Edit box contains the data that was in the register window. The
Address Edit Box device has not yet been read.
The address up/down arrows are used to jump to the next/previous subaddress that is defined for the
device. If an address is not defined for the device, then it can still be accessed by typing the subaddress
in the Address Edit box.
This contains the data which will be written to or was read from the I2C subaddress.
Data Edit Box
The data up/down arrows increment/decrement the data value by 1.
Writes the byte in the Data Edit box to the address in the Address Edit box.
Write Button
The I2C register is written to whether or not the data is different from the last time the register was read.
Read Button Reads the data from the address in the Address Edit box into the Data Edit box and the register window.
Read All Button Reads all defined readable registers from the device and updates the register window.
Hex Button Converts all values in the register window and address and data edit boxes to hexadecimal.
Dec Button Converts all values in the register window and address and data edit boxes to decimal.
Closes the dialog.
Close Button
NOTE: Multiple edit register map windows can be open at the same time (one for each device). Use the
Window menu to navigate.
Causes subsequent write, read or read all operations to be performed N times. N is entered as a
Loop Count
decimal number from 1 to 999.
8.3 Property Sheets
The property sheets represent the register data in a user-friendly format. The data is organized by
function, with each function having its own page and being selectable via tabs at the top.
To open this for the TVP5158, click on the following menu item:
Edit > Property Sheets > TVP5158
When the property sheet function is started or whenever you tab to a different page, all readable registers
in the device are read from hardware to initialize the dialog pages. Values on the page are changed by
manipulating the various dialog controls as described in Table 11.
Table 10. Property Sheet Controls
Type of Control Function/How to Set a Value When is Hardware Updated?
Read-Only Edit Box Read status information N/A
Check Box Toggle a single bit After Apply
Drop-Down List Select from a text list After Apply
Edit Box Type a number After Apply
Up/Down Arrows: Immediately
Edit Box with Up/Down Arrows Use up/down arrows or type a number
Type a number: After Apply
Slider Slide a lever Immediately
Pushbutton Initiate an action Immediately
TVP5158 Evaluation Module SLEU108–November 2009
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