
22 TVP5160EVM User’s Guide Example Command File
An example of one data set within a command file is shown below. Each command file may
contain individual write to register (WR_REG) commands.
BEGIN_DATASET // Dataset 1
DATASET_NAME,"TVP5160 (SD) & ADV7311 - CVBS in, 10-bit ITU-656, 3DYC, 3DNR Enabled,
CVBS, SV & YPbPr out"
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0xEE,0x01 // Holds processor in reset
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0xEA,0xB0 // Enables fast processor mode
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0xEE,0x00 // Releases processor reset
// TVP5160 I2C Registers - SD
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x04,0x3F // Auto Switch Mask
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x06,0x40 // Pedestal off
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x34,0x11 // Outputs Enabled
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x35,0x2A // GPIO =0; GLCO, AVID and FID Enabled
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x36,0xAF // HS and VS Enabled
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x75,0x1A // F & V Bit Control
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x7F,0x01 // Analog Output Enabled
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x59,0x07 // Enabled SDRAM and set SDRAM size
WR_REG,VID_DEC,0x01,0x0D,0x84 // Chrominance Processing Ctrl 1 Reg 3DYC, 3DNR Enabled
// ADV7311 I2C Registers - NTSC, all DACs Output
WR_REG,0x54,0x01,0x01,0x08 // CLK Align Enabled, SD Oversampled
WR_REG,0x54,0x01,0x40,0x10 // Selects NTSC, SSAF Luma Filter
WR_REG,0x54,0x01,0x42,0x41 // Enables DAC Outputs, PrPb SSAF
WR_REG,0x54,0x01,0x44,0x06 // RTC Enabled
WR_REG,0x54,0x01,0x48,0x14 // Enables Double Buffering, SD 10-bit, DNR disabled
WR_REG,0x54,0x01,0x7C,0x02 // Global 10-bit enable
1. The comment indicator is the double-slash //.
2. The command file is not case-sensitive and ignores all white-space characters.
3. All numbers can be entered as hexadecimal (beginning with 0x) or as decimal.
4. Every data set in a command file begins with BEGIN_DATASET and ends with
END_DATASET. The maximum number of datasets is 250.
5. The dataset text description is entered between double quotes using the
DATASET_NAME command. The enclosed text can be up to 128 characters in length.
This text appears in the System Initialization dialog when the command file is opened.
6. The INCLUDE command inserts the contents of an include file (with an .INC file
extension) in-line in place of the INCLUDE command. Therefore, the include file should
not contain the BEGIN_DATASET, END_DATASET, and DATASET_NAME commands.
NOTE: All included files must be located in the same directory as the command (CMD)