
resolution -
The contrast between the display and the background on an LCD screen.
See read-only memory.
security hook holder -
A locking device to help prevent theft of your computer.
self-test -
An automatic check the system performs every time it is turned on.
serial transmission -
A printer that ... need better definition, move alphabetically.
slide switch -
A switch that you manipulate side to side.
software -
Computer programs, usually supplied on floppies or on ROM.
state of charge -
An indication of the level of charge of the computer's internal battery.
storage medium -
Material coated with a magnetic substance that is used for the permanent storage of information.
system board -
An internal circuit board that holds the integrated circuits for the microprocessor, memory, and clock
in your computer.
tape backup -
A device that stores information on a tape cartridge; primarily used to back up information from a hard
disk drive.
turbo operation -
A feature of a computer that increases its data processing speed by 20 to 30 percent.
typamatic -
A feature that generates a character as long as an alphanumeric key is pressed.
Glossary 13