
DSPLIB Function Tables
Table 3−5. Filtering and Convolution (Continued)
Functions PageDescription
void DSP_iir(short *r1, short *x, short *r2, short *h2, short
*h1, int nr)
IIR with 5 Coefficients 4-54
void DSP_iirlat(short *x, int nx, short *k, int nk, int *b,
short *r)
All−pole IIR Lattice Filter 4-56
Table 3−6. Math
Functions Description Page
int DSP_dotp_sqr(int G, short *x, short *y, int *r, int nx) Vector Dot Product and Square 4-58
int DSP_dotprod(short *x, short *y, int nx) Vector Dot Product 4-60
short DSP_maxval (short *x, int nx) Maximum Value of a Vector 4-62
int DSP_maxidx (short *x, int nx) Index of the Maximum Element of
a Vector
short DSP_minval (short *x, int nx) Minimum Value of a Vector 4-65
void DSP_mul32(int *x, int *y, int *r, short nx) 32-bit Vector Multiply 4-66
void DSP_neg32(int *x, int *r, short nx) 32-bit Vector Negate 4-68
void DSP_recip16 (short *x, short *rfrac, short *rexp, short
16-bit Reciprocal 4-69
int DSP_vecsumsq (short *x, int nx) Sum of Squares 4-71
void DSP_w_vec(short *x, short *y, short m, short *r, short
Weighted Vector Sum 4-72
Table 3−7. Matrix
Functions Description Page
void DSP_mat_mul(short *x, int r1, int c1, short *y, int c2,
short *r, int qs)
Matrix Multiplication 4-73
void DSP_mat_trans(short *x, short rows, short columns,
short *r)
Matrix Transpose 4-75