Battery LEDs
If both battery packs are installed in the
computer, they deplete in parallel. When the
battery charge gets low, the Low Battery
indicator (located above the power switch on the
keyboard) flashes red. When the batteries are
extremely low, the unit automatically goes into
sleep mode for several minutes. During this
time, you can replace the batteries one at a time.
To do this, press Suspend. After inserting the
charged battery, press any key to resume at the
point where the sleep mode was initiated.
There is also a row of four LEDs on the front of
each battery pack. During charge, these LEDs
indicate the following battery states:
❑ The percentage of power in each battery. If
all four LEDs light, the battery is at least
76% charged. If the battery is removed, the
LEDs remain lit for several seconds before
turning off (to save the battery charge).
After reaching 100% charge, the battery
LEDs will then turn off.
Note: If you want to check the charge of any
Lithium-ION battery after the LEDs have turned
off, press the battery status button to the right of
the LEDs on the battery pack and they will light
momentarily. Ensure that you have pressed the
battery status button to get the current battery
charge reading before referring to the following list.
Battery LEDs