Statistics 12-13
8312STAT.DOC TI-83 international English Bob Fedorisko Revised: 02/19/01 12:42 PM Printed: 02/19/01 1:37
PM Page 13 of 38
To edit a list element, follow these steps.
1. Move the rectangular cursor onto the element you want
to edit.
2. Press
to move the cursor to the entry line.
If you want to replace the current value, you can enter a new
value without first pressing
. When you enter the first
character, the current value is cleared automatically.
3. Edit the element in the entry line.
Press one or more keys to enter the new value. When
you enter the first character, the current value is
cleared automatically.
to move the cursor to the character before
which you want to insert, press
], and then
enter one or more characters.
to move the cursor to a character you want to
delete, and then press
to delete the character.
To cancel any editing and restore the original element at
the rectangular cursor, press
You can enter expressions and variables for elements.
4. Press
, or
to update the list. If you entered
an expression, it is evaluated. If you entered only a
variable, the stored value is displayed as a list element.
When you edit a list element in the stat list editor, the list is
updated in memory immediately.
Editing a List